Hyperthyroid Symptoms

Hyperthyroid is often referred to as an overactive thyroid and is a disorder of the thyroid, a small gland located just below the Adam’s Apple.

This gland influences many of your bodily functions, such as physical growth and development, puberty, metabolism, organ function, fertility.  and body temperature. Just how well the thyroid regulates these functions depends on the production of two specific hormones, called T3 and T4.

The thyroid works in conjunction with the pituitary gland in the brain. When the level of thyroid hormones drops too low, the gland in the brain produces Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which tells the thyroid gland to produce more hormones.

However, when the thyroid gland produces too much of these hormones, our bodies use energy faster than they should. And because the thyroid controls vital systems such as metabolism and body temperature, an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) will affect the body, causing a variety of related symptoms.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms vary and may include the following:

Nervousnessmood swings or feeling anxious
Tremors such as shaky hands
* Rapid heart beat
* Difficulty breathing
* Sweating more than usual or having a warm, red, itchy skin.
* Experiencing more bowel movements than usual.
* Hair becoming brittle or falling out.
* Losing weight regardless of the amount of food you eat.