Monday, September 26, 2011

Top 10 Hypothyroid Symptoms In Men

(Zimbio) If you know the most common signs of hypothyroidism in men, then it would not be hard for you to know if you are suffering with it. However, men tend to disregard any symptoms or do not pay attention to any medical problems. In fact, they are even more comfortable with natural remedies and treatment than going to the doctor.

An under-active thyroid in men, which is usually caused by conditions such as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, thyroid surgery, and iodine-deficiency, happens when the thyroid gland is not able to secrete the right amounts of Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine.

Although hypothyroidism in men is less likely to develop, it is important to know how to prevent or treat this condition otherwise it will get worse.

Below are the HYPOTHYROIDISM IN MEN SYMPTOMS to watch out:
1. Always weak and tired.
2. Soreness on the muscles and joints.
3. Gaining weight even if you don’t eat much.
4. The skin becomes dry and falling hair.
5. Constipation,
6. Impaired hearing and vision.
7. Hoarseness in voice.
8. Decreased memory and concentration.
9. Intolerance to cold.
10. Swelling of the arms and legs.

The problem with hypothyroidism is that it is hard to recognize and even some physicians are still not familiar with it. In fact, it is usually misdiagnosed with other disorders.